could anyone help out well my old 1984 W201 190E`s M102.962 2.0L gasoline engine shut down some time ago i finnaly diagnosed the cam as breaking clean. mb 190e stalling I have a 1987 190e 2.3 and the car stalls after driving for 20 minutes. I have spent already $900 on it and still stalls. My mechanic has replaced the. Hi everyone. Ok so I have an 89, 190e 2.6 with 125000 miles. My problem is that thew car randomly shuts off every time i try to take it for a spin. I.
Old 04-14-2011, 08:49 PM. dswint. BenzWorld Newbie. Date registered: Apr 2011. Vehicle: 1989 190e 2.6. Location: San Francisco Ca. Posts: 4. 190e 2.6 Starting and Stalling issues& ...
could anyone help out well my old 1984 W201 190E`s M102.962 2.0L gasoline engine shut down some time ago i finnaly diagnosed the cam as breaking clean.
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